This colÂlecÂtion proÂvides a list of free eduÂcaÂtionÂal resources for K‑12 stuÂdents (kinderÂgarten through high school stuÂdents) and their parÂents and teachÂers. Please tell us if we’re missÂing someÂthing valuÂable.
Below you will find free video lessons/tutorials; free mobile apps; free audioÂbooks, ebooks and textÂbooks; qualÂiÂty YouTube chanÂnels; free forÂeign lanÂguage lessons; test prep mateÂriÂals; and free web resources in acaÂdÂeÂmÂic subÂjects like litÂerÂaÂture, hisÂtoÂry, sciÂence and comÂputÂing.
Home SchoolÂing Resources
- Free Zoom ArtisÂtic BackÂgrounds: If you would like to cusÂtomize your Zoom backÂground, you can find free art from Hayao MiyazaÂkÂi’s StuÂdio GhiÂbÂli (the makÂers of Princess Mononoke, SpirÂitÂed Away, etc.) You can also get free art from world class museÂums. InstrucÂtions for cusÂtomizÂing the backÂground can be found here.
- Free Online Resources for Schools: A colÂlecÂtion of resources curatÂed by It covÂers comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion platÂform resources, math and sciÂence resources, social studÂies resources and more.
- School Kit: A New Zealand orgaÂniÂzaÂtion proÂvides free activÂiÂties to NZ teachÂers and classÂrooms, using basic mateÂriÂals.
- Khan AcadÂeÂmy: Khan AcadÂeÂmy has creÂatÂed guides designed to help parÂents and teachÂers navÂiÂgate remote learnÂing.
- Google Teach From Home: A cenÂtral hub of inforÂmaÂtion, tips, trainÂing and tools from across Google for EduÂcaÂtion to help teachÂers keep teachÂing, even when they aren’t in the classÂroom.
- Google Learn at Home: Google has partÂnered with Khan AcadÂeÂmy and othÂer learnÂing creÂators to bring parÂents & famÂiÂlies resources and activÂiÂties to make the comÂing days as eduÂcaÂtionÂal and fun as posÂsiÂble. These resources won’t replace any homeÂwork assigned by teachÂers — but they can comÂpleÂment that work.
- How Schools Can Start TeachÂing Online in a Short PeriÂod of Time: Free TutoÂriÂals from the StanÂford Online High School.
- NetÂflix EduÂcaÂtionÂal DocÂuÂmenÂtaries: DurÂing the COVID-19 criÂsis, NetÂflix made some of its eduÂcaÂtionÂal docÂuÂmenÂtaries free to stream online. The list notably includes David Attenborough’s nature series Our PlanÂet and Abstract, which looks at the art of design. Many of these docÂuÂmenÂtaries are still free today.
- New York PubÂlic Library Resources: Need some good book recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions? Read aloud sugÂgesÂtions? NYPL has your readÂing needs covÂered for kids of all ages. See secÂtions for Ages 0–5, Kids, Teens, and Adults.
- ScholasÂtic Learn at Home: Day-to-day projects to keep kids readÂing, thinkÂing and learnÂing. Goes from PreK to 9th grade.
- Free Online DrawÂing Lessons for Kids, Led by Favorite Artists & IllusÂtraÂtors: DurÂing the COVID-19 criÂsis, some well known illusÂtraÂtors (Mo Willems, Wendy McNaughton, Wendy, etc.) offered free drawÂing lessons for kids. These lessons are still free today.
- The NationÂal ConÂstiÂtuÂtion CenÂter: This orgaÂniÂzaÂtion is offerÂing daiÂly live conÂstiÂtuÂtionÂal conÂverÂsaÂtions for midÂdle school, high school, and colÂlege stuÂdents, availÂable through Zoom, and accesÂsiÂble on home comÂputÂer, lapÂtop, or phone.
Free Audio Books, eBooks and TextÂbooks
- Free Audio Books: Our colÂlecÂtion of 450 free audio books includes many chilÂdren’s clasÂsics. The WizÂard of Oz, GrimÂm’s Fairy Tales, The AdvenÂtures of HuckÂleÂberÂry Finn and Mark Twain, The ChronÂiÂcles of NarÂnia by C.S. Lewis, The Swiss FamÂiÂly RobinÂson, GulÂlivÂer’s TravÂels, Anne of Green Gables, Aesop’s Fables, The WizÂard of Oz series, and much more. You can downÂload audio files straight to your comÂputÂer or mobile device.
- Free eBooks: This colÂlecÂtion includes many chilÂdren’s clasÂsics in ebook forÂmat. You genÂerÂalÂly have the option to downÂload these texts to your KinÂdle, iPad, Nook or comÂputÂer. Video tutoÂriÂals are includÂed on the page. You may also want to visÂit our resource: DownÂload 20 PopÂuÂlar High School Books AvailÂable as Free eBooks & Audio Books.
- Gives you access to free online clasÂsics of refÂerÂence, litÂerÂaÂture, and nonÂficÂtion, includÂing Strunk & White’s EleÂments of Style, The World FactÂbook, The Oxford ShakeÂspeare, and The King James Bible.
- CalÂiÂbre: DownÂload free e‑book softÂware that will manÂage your elecÂtronÂic library, conÂvert e‑books from one forÂmat to anothÂer, and give you online access to free e‑books. We have more on it here.
- CK-12: This non-profÂit proÂvides “open textÂbooks” for K‑12 stuÂdents all over the world. It offers free high-qualÂiÂty, stanÂdards-aligned, open conÂtent in the STEM subÂjects (sciÂence, techÂnolÂoÂgy, engiÂneerÂing, and mathÂeÂmatÂics).
- HisÂtoric ChilÂdren’s Books: The UniÂverÂsiÂty of Florida’s BaldÂwin Library of HisÂtorÂiÂcal Children’s LitÂerÂaÂture has digÂiÂtized 6,000 books. They’re free to read online from covÂer to covÂer. You can find othÂer colÂlecÂtions by The Library of ConÂgress and UCLA.
- InterÂnaÂtionÂal ChilÂdren’s DigÂiÂtal Library: ProÂvides free access to high-qualÂiÂty chilÂdren’s books from around the world in difÂferÂent lanÂguages, includÂing AraÂbic, Afrikaans, DanÂish, EngÂlish, FarÂsi and beyond. Start browsÂing the library here.
- LibÂrivox: A favorite of ours, LibÂrivox proÂvides free audio books from the pubÂlic domain. You will find 5000+ books in their catÂaÂlogue.
- OER ComÂmons: Free, adaptÂable, openÂly licensed textÂbooks and supÂpleÂmenÂtal resources.
- Project GutenÂberg: The mothÂer of all ebook sites hosts 40000 free ebooks, and makes them accesÂsiÂble for KinÂdle, Android, iPad, and iPhone.
- The HarÂvard ClasÂsics: Harvard’s influÂenÂtial presÂiÂdent, Charles W. Eliot, said that if you spent just 15 minÂutes a day readÂing the right books, you could give yourÂself a propÂer libÂerÂal eduÂcaÂtion. He pubÂlished a 51-volÂume series, now known as The HarÂvard ClasÂsics, and they’re availÂable free online. IdeÂal for the oldÂer stuÂdent.
- Free TextÂbook ColÂlecÂtion: Our site proÂvides a meta colÂlecÂtion of free textÂbooks availÂable on the web. It covÂers everyÂthing from Art HisÂtoÂry to BiolÂoÂgy, Math, Physics, and PsyÂcholÂoÂgy.
- RadiÂoÂLab for Kids: Kid-friendÂly stoÂries curatÂed by RadiÂoÂlab. All in one bingeÂable spot.
- Watch Stars Read ClasÂsic Children’s Books: BetÂty White, James Earl Jones, Rita Moreno & Many More: StoÂryÂline Online streams imagÂiÂnaÂtiveÂly proÂduced videos feaÂturÂing celÂeÂbratÂed actors includÂing VioÂla Davis, AlliÂson JanÂney, Chris Pine, WanÂda Sykes, Justin TherÂoux, and BetÂty White readÂing children’s books alongÂside creÂativeÂly proÂduced illusÂtraÂtions.
ForÂeign LanÂguages
- Open CulÂture ForÂeign LanÂguage ColÂlecÂtion: This list creÂatÂed by Open CulÂture offers free lessons in 40 difÂferÂent lanÂguages. You can genÂerÂalÂly downÂload the mp3/podcasts to your devices.
- DuolinÂgo — Learn 30+ lanÂguages online with bite-size lessons based on sciÂence.
- DesÂtiÂnos: An IntroÂducÂtion to SpanÂish: This video instrucÂtionÂal series for high school and colÂlege classÂrooms teachÂes SpanÂish speakÂing and lisÂtenÂing skills. ProÂduced by WGBH Boston.
- Deutsch – warum nicht?: An extenÂsive colÂlecÂtion of introÂducÂtoÂry GerÂman lessons put togethÂer by Deutsche Welle. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
- French in Action: Become fluÂent in French by explorÂing French culÂture in this well-known video series for high school and colÂlege classÂrooms. ProÂduced by Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty and WGBH Boston with WellesÂley ColÂlege.
- Ma France: The BBC offers 24 video lessons that will teach you French.
- Real ChiÂnese: PreÂsentÂed by the BBC. A liveÂly introÂducÂtion to ManÂdarin ChiÂnese preÂsentÂed in 10 short parts with video clips from the Real ChiÂnese TV series.
- Talk ItalÂian: A liveÂly introÂducÂtion to ItalÂian preÂsentÂed by the BBC.
- WatchÂKnowLÂearn: This site has aggreÂgatÂed YouTube videos that will teach stuÂdents new lanÂguages.
Video Lessons/Tutorials
- Free CoursÂes: Our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties, conÂtains countÂless video lecÂtures from coursÂes offered by top uniÂverÂsiÂties. Some mateÂrÂiÂal can be useÂful for high school stuÂdents, or their teachÂers.
- Khan AcadÂeÂmy: The site famousÂly feaÂtures K‑12 video tutoÂriÂals creÂatÂed by Sal Khan and team. It curÂrentÂly gives stuÂdents access to thouÂsands of video tutoÂriÂals that explain the ins-and-outs of algeÂbra, geomÂeÂtry, trigonomÂeÂtry, calÂcuÂlus, staÂtisÂtics, finance, physics, ecoÂnomÂics and more. Videos can also be accessed via YouTube, or on the Khan AcadÂeÂmy’s webÂsite.
- Crash CoursÂes: CreÂatÂed by author John Green, this YouTube chanÂnel proÂvides crash coursÂes in physics, phiÂlosÂoÂphy, games, ecoÂnomÂics, U.S. govÂernÂment and polÂiÂtics, astronÂoÂmy, anatoÂmy & physÂiÂolÂoÂgy, world hisÂtoÂry, comÂputÂer sciÂence, biolÂoÂgy, litÂerÂaÂture, ecolÂoÂgy, chemÂistry, psyÂcholÂoÂgy, U.S. hisÂtoÂry and more.
- Run by The AnnenÂberg FounÂdaÂtion, hosts mulÂtiÂmeÂdia resources for teachÂers, stuÂdents and lifeÂlong learnÂers. You can browse their genÂerÂal colÂlecÂtion of eduÂcaÂtionÂal videos here. SelectÂed colÂlecÂtions are catÂaÂloged below.
- MIT-K12: TakÂing a page from Khan, MIT is now proÂducÂing ”short videos teachÂing basic conÂcepts in sciÂence and engiÂneerÂing” for K‑12 stuÂdents. The videos are genÂerÂalÂly creÂatÂed by MIT stuÂdents. You can sort the videos by topÂic and grade levÂel. Find verÂsions of these videos on iTunes.
- NeoK12: DesÂigÂnatÂed a “Great Site for Kids” by the AmerÂiÂcan Library AssoÂciÂaÂtion, this site proÂvides eduÂcaÂtionÂal videos, lessons, quizzes and eduÂcaÂtionÂal games for K‑12 stuÂdents in varÂiÂous subÂject areas, such as sciÂence, math, health, social studÂies and EngÂlish.
- The Kid Should See This: This blog aggreÂgates interÂestÂing, kid-friendÂly videos focusÂing on sciÂence, art, techÂnolÂoÂgy, and more. The videos weren’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly made for kids, but kids can get a lot out of them. That’s the premise of the site.
- TED-Ed: The makÂer of TED Talks now proÂvides careÂfulÂly curatÂed eduÂcaÂtionÂal videos or “lessons worth sharÂing.” TopÂics range from LitÂerÂaÂture and LanÂguage, to MathÂeÂmatÂics, to SciÂence and TechÂnolÂoÂgy.
- SchoolÂhouse Rock: AniÂmatÂed musiÂcal eduÂcaÂtionÂal short films that aired durÂing the SatÂurÂday mornÂing chilÂdren’s proÂgramÂming on the U.S. teleÂviÂsion netÂwork ABC. The topÂics covÂered includÂed gramÂmar, sciÂence, ecoÂnomÂics, hisÂtoÂry, mathÂeÂmatÂics, and civics
- WatchÂKnowLÂearn: This site has indexed over 33,000 eduÂcaÂtionÂal videos from YouTube and placed them into a direcÂtoÂry of over 3,000 catÂeÂgories. The videos are availÂable withÂout regÂisÂtraÂtion or fees to teachÂers in the classÂroom and to stuÂdents at home 24/7.
- YouTube EDU: A curatÂed colÂlecÂtion of eduÂcaÂtionÂal videos from sources rangÂing from Sesame Street to HarÂvard. CreÂatÂed by YouTube itself.
Art & VisuÂal CulÂture (Web Resources)
- A VirÂtuÂal Tour of 30 World Class MuseÂums and 2 MilÂlion Works of Art: The page gives you access to colÂlecÂtions of digÂiÂtized art from 30 world class museÂums. It feaÂtures more than 2 milÂlion works of art.
- Google Art Project: A new tool that gives you access to more than 1,000 works of art appearÂing in 17 great museÂums across the world. Using Google’s Street View techÂnolÂoÂgy, you can now tour colÂlecÂtions at 184 museÂums world wide, includÂing the MoMA and Met in New York City, the Uffizi Gallery in FloÂrence, the HerÂmitage in St. PetersÂburg, the Van Gogh MuseÂum, and the RijksmuÂseÂum in AmsÂterÂdam.
- ArtÂThink: CreÂatÂed by the San FranÂcisÂco MuseÂum of ModÂern Art, this site offers theme-based activÂiÂties in visuÂal arts, lanÂguage arts, hisÂtoÂry and social studÂies. The site lets stuÂdents invesÂtiÂgate artists’ work, lives, and their hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext.
- Free ColÂorÂing Books from World-Class Libraries & MuseÂums:World class museÂums and libraries have made free colÂorÂing books availÂable for downÂload.
- SmartHisÂtoÂry: SmarthisÂtoÂry proÂvides an extenÂsive colÂlecÂtion of audio and video introÂducÂtions to works of art found in stanÂdard art hisÂtoÂry surÂvey texts. (See our post “An IntroÂducÂtion to 100 ImporÂtant PaintÂings with Videos CreÂatÂed by SmarthisÂtoÂry.”) You can find a comÂplete colÂlecÂtion of their videos on YouTube