If you would like to supÂport Open CulÂture and its misÂsion, you can now make conÂtriÂbuÂtions to our site. Your conÂtriÂbuÂtions will help us pay our dedÂiÂcatÂed staff, and covÂer expenÂsive hostÂing costs. It will also make us less depenÂdent on advertising–something that’s become unreÂliÂable with the rise of ad blockÂers.
The best way to help is with monthÂly conÂtriÂbuÂtions. Or you can make a one-time conÂtriÂbuÂtion. We curÂrentÂly accept payÂments via PayÂPal. (Please click on the yelÂlow “Donate” butÂtons below.) You don’t need a PayÂPal account to use PayÂPal, only a credÂit card.
You can also use PatreÂon (click here), VenÂmo (send to @openculture or @openculturedotcom) and now CrypÂtocurÂrenÂcy (click here). We love bringÂing Open CulÂture to you. And we thank you for any supÂport you can give in return! Note: we’re not forÂmalÂly set up as a non-profÂit. So conÂtriÂbuÂtions aren’t deductible at this time.